Mark Balsom | Douglas Elliman

Top 5 Pizza Places in South Palm Beach County

  1. Sazio

Mark’s Rating 7.2
Classic Football pizza or late-night pizza. 2 locations in East Delray-both are equally as good.


  1. Anthony’s

Mark’s Rating: 7.4
Florida chain that has its own take on coal fired pizza. Food is always better if you eat it there. The Classic Italian Salad is delicious (pro tip: get it chopped)


  1. Death By Pizza

Mark’s Rating: 7.5
Delray local spot opened from the owners of Two Fat Cookies just off the Ave. Detroit style Pizza. Now offers slices.


  1. Ah Beetz

Mark’s Rating 7.9
New haven style. Thin, crispy crust with super flavorful sauce.


  1. Tuccis

Mark’s Rating 8.3
Hand crafted wood fired pizza. “The Char is Flavor”


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