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Top 5 dinners in Delray Beach


This time of year, Delray has lots of tourists visiting and they all have similar questions. One question everyone always has is, where should we go to dinner? Below are my top 5 restaur...

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Best Private Golf Courses in South Palm Beach County

Let’s talk golf. This is not a “where you should join list.” For the most part, these places have increased their initiation fees by at least double since the pandemic and now have waiting lists that last years. If you can join one of the...

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So…How’s the market?

It's November! We are finally in the month where Season (kind of) starts in South Florida. The last few years have been crazy in South Florida, and it finally feels like things are returning to normal. With that being said let’s look at the c...

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Signs that Now is the Time to Sell Your Home

There are many reasons why it may be time to sell your home. You may need more space to make room for a growing family or you need to downsize after your kids leave the nest. Whatever your motivations, you want to make sure that you’re timing...

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Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

Most homebuyers start the process anxious, excited, nervous, and some are downright terrified. It’s natural. A home is the largest and most expensive purchase that most people will make in a lifetime. It can either turn out to be a complete f...

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